The Power of Storytelling

The landscape of social media has changed dramatically over the last few years. Gone are the days when you could post a meme with a catchy line, and that was all that was needed to build a thriving audience.
Now, we need to connect on a deeper level with our audience (our potential future customers). We need to connect emotionally and to form a relationship with them.
One of the best ways to do that is through the power of storytelling.
Yes, some people have an innate gift for telling a fantastic story and others have to work at it.
The good news is that we can all learn how to hone our storytelling skills.
Here are a few resources that I have found and love!
- Buffer Podcast - Episode 85: 6 Rules For Great Storytelling & Why Stories Are Your Most Important Social Media Asset -
- 22 Storyboard tips from former Pixar storyboard artist Emma Coats tweeted valuable storytelling rules during her time at the animation studio. Here is a list of them -
- I also love this visual guide of Emma's Rules for great storytelling -
- Building a Storybrand: Clarify Your Message so Customers will Listen by Donald Miller -
The best way to master the craft of great storytelling? Get out there and start practicing! Don't be afraid of failing; experiment see what works and what doesn't.
Learn from it and keep telling YOUR stories.
Connect with your audience and change the world one story at a time.
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