Work With Carmen

Thank You for Taking it All

heart compass wildpreneur

A single feather standing upright in the grass. The image takes me back in a flash to one of the best, and worst periods of my life. 


A week before I took this picture I woke up excited to buy my airline ticket to meet with my husband in Washington, DC. It had been longer than I cared to admit since we had been together, distance had taken its toll while he was finishing his military career.

I checked my phone, as I always do, first thing in the morning to see a notice from the bank for insufficient funds. How can that be? We had five figures in the bank. I knew we did because I had paid the bills the day before.

With a sick feeling in my stomach, I quickly checked our bank balance.


I looked, and it said transferred to USAA account xx xxx. Not an account number I knew. I called my husband in a panic. Someone had cleared our account.


He did, and he wanted a divorce.


He had met a woman (whom he later married) and wanted a divorce. There would be no trip to DC. He would put enough money in the account to cover the bills that had been paid the day before. I had 30-days to figure out how to pay the bills the next month.


At this point in my life, I had been playing with being a Creativity and Life Coach. I said it was my business, but if I am honest, it was my hobby.


I had been learning about how to market and sell myself and my business. I loved playing with different tools and taking trainings in coaching, marketing, and business building. I was a professional student, who dabbled in coaching.


I had a few clients here and there. I would do workshops at the local art store when the mood struck me. I loved it, but it was just a little bit of fun money on the side, enough to cover my book and art supply habit!

At that moment, I knew I had to get serious about creating a financially successful business or apply for a job at Sheetz. Well, after the ugly crying finished and the shock wore off, that is.


It was at this crossroad that I saw the feather in the field and took it as a sign to find my wings. I wasn't afraid of hard work or serving others.


I started a business as a Virtual Assistant to Life Coaches. I had spent the last four years dabbling at building my own business and learning all about the tools and methods that were successful. It felt like a natural first step, and I knew I had technical skills that could help other women.

I worked it, I over delivered, I made connections, I put myself out there, I served, and I kept learning. The first year I was able to make enough for us to scrape by, everyone under the sun was encouraging me (more like demanding)  to "go get a real job." My response, I had one, and I could feel my business gaining momentum I just needed a little more time and nurture to grow it.

I started listening to what my clients were really asking me to help them.  I asked myself how could I better serve them? 

I heard them thanking me for listening and providing advice, for being the business partner, they always wished they had.

I found them seeking answers to the best practices for social media campaigns, paid advertising, and launch strategies.

I heard them asking for more business and marketing advice and support. I heard them asking for me to translate their ideas into business strategies.

I had always been a voracious reader. Now, marketing and business books lined the bedside table. I listened to marketing and business podcasts. I absorbed everything I could about how to be a better entrepreneur, not just for myself but for my clients.

I worked and mentored with amazing business and marketing coaches. I learned from the work we did together.

My clients loved the shift in focus for my business. They thanked me for supporting them. They told me how grateful they were to have me as a partner in their business and they were achieving things they only dreamed of on their own.

I went to Cornell University to learn Strategic Marketing.  

Wildpreneur, my online marketing agency, grew out of the shift. Today I help Life Coaches and Spiritual Entrepreneurs to clarify their message and market with integrity. 

Taking myself and my business seriously has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. Has it all been roses and sunshine? F*&k no.

No matter the setbacks I have faced along the way. I am grateful.

My why came when that bank account read $0.

For that, I want to say THANK YOU. I never thought I would be grateful that he took it all. But, I am.

I love the life I have created. I have met some amazing people throughout this journey. I have grown my business beyond what I dreamt of in those first few months.

I have led clients to 7-figure launches, sold out programs, and reaching beyond their goals.

But most importantly, together we find the freedom for them to live life on their terms, following their intuition and heart, all the while serving their ideal clients. 


Thank you for taking it all, and for giving me the incentive to be the woman I have always dreamed of being!


If you want help clarifying your message and forming a strategic business plan, you can to discover how I can help you to take your business to the next level here.

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