Work With Carmen

Eat the Cake & Keep Shipping!

“Eat the cake! It’s not the cake that will kill you. It’s all the other choices you make in a month.”

This piece of wellness advice struck me—it wasn’t about being perfect—it was about what you do after the imperfect happens.

You don't have to quit just because it isn't perfect—there can be a middle way!

A Beautiful Messy Life

This week is my birthday week. I’m turning 50. I’m still unsure how that happened, but my mother assures me it’s true!

This week is extra full—it includes camping, kayaking, and parties.

I did not get my #ship30for30 essay written yesterday. It just didn’t happen.

Lots of balls dropped yesterday. But, the cupcakes and stories flowed—that was yesterday’s priority.

This morning I had a choice—would Helga or Lola have free reign?

Helga tends to be a noisy, cantankerous grouch of a muse. Lola, on the other hand, tends to be a playful, creative, free-spirited muse.

Which one would join me at the computer. Would I beat myself up and stop #ship30for30, or would I keep shipping? I mean if I can't do it "right" should I do it at all?!

I choose to give Helga the day off; even inner-critics deserve a holiday.

What I know for sure

Life will be messy, and things won't always go according to plan.

Somedays, the ER really is on the agenda.

AND you get to decide—will you meet the mess with grace and loving compassion, or will you meet it with shame and blame?

I hope you choose grace and love . . . most days.

I’m choosing more grace, love, and compassion as I move into my next 50 years.

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